The creation of a transaction begins with the option 'New document'. You can also initiate transaction creation with the shortcut key (N). You can attach a file to the transaction directly from the Archive or by uploading it from your own folder structure.
In manual entry, traditional Debit and Credit entries are used. Through manual entry, it's possible to make virtually any type of entry, giving the user the freedom to be a bit creative if desired. If Debits and Credits are new concepts in terms of accounting, it's worth taking a few minutes to refresh your knowledge of the basics of double-entry bookkeeping. There is a wealth of information available online.
The mandatory fields to be filled in when creating a manual transaction are:
Date: The date of the transaction. Description: Description of the transaction. Type: Other transaction. Depet: The account where money is received. Kredit: The account from which money is sent. Amount: The amounts for Debit and Credit entries. The total sums must match.
Optional fields that are worth using:
Contact: Which contact the transaction is related to. You can choose an existing contact during the transaction entry, or you can create a new one if needed.
You can edit the transaction later if desired by selecting "Edit". You also have the option to delete the transaction if needed.